Empowering Tenants: A Case Study of the Palm Beach Tenants Union

The Palm Beach Tenants Union (PBTU) is a grassroots organization that works to empower tenants in the Palm Beach County area. With a mission to create a safe and equitable community for all renters, the PBTU has been instrumental in advocating for tenant rights and providing support to those in need. This case study will highlight the PBTU's history, accomplishments, and future goals write my case study.

History and Formation

The PBTU was formed in 2018 in response to the growing housing crisis in Palm Beach County. With skyrocketing rent prices and few affordable options, tenants were struggling to make ends meet. A small group of renters came together to discuss their shared experiences and decided to form a tenant-led organization to address their concerns.

The PBTU's first action was to conduct a survey of local renters to better understand their needs. The survey revealed that many tenants were dealing with issues such as mold, pests, and lack of maintenance. The PBTU used this information to create a list of demands to present to landlords and elected officials.


Since its formation, the PBTU has made significant strides in improving the lives of renters in Palm Beach County. Some of their accomplishments include:

Advocating for Tenant Rights

The PBTU has been a vocal advocate for tenant rights at the local and state level. They have lobbied for legislation that would protect renters from unfair evictions, prohibit landlords from retaliating against tenants who report code violations, and require landlords to make necessary repairs.

Holding Landlords Accountable

The PBTU has worked with tenants to hold landlords accountable for unsafe and unsanitary living conditions. They have organized rent strikes, held protests outside of negligent landlords' properties, and even taken legal action in some cases.

Providing Support to Tenants in Need

The PBTU has created a Tenant Support Fund to provide financial assistance to renters who are facing eviction or struggling to pay rent. They also offer a Tenant Hotline where renters can get advice and support for dealing with difficult landlords.

Creating a Sense of Community

The PBTU has brought together renters from all over Palm Beach County to share their stories and experiences. They have hosted community events, workshops, and meetings to foster a sense of solidarity among tenants.

Future Goals

While the PBTU has made significant progress in their efforts to empower tenants, there is still much work to be done. Some of their future goals include:

Expanding their Membership

The PBTU hopes to continue growing their membership to better represent the diverse needs of renters in Palm Beach County. They plan to reach out to more communities and provide resources in multiple languages.

Strengthening Tenant Protections

The PBTU will continue to push for stronger tenant protections at the local and state level. They believe that everyone deserves a safe and affordable place to call home and will work tirelessly to make that a reality.

Providing Education and Training

The PBTU plans to provide education and training to tenants on their rights and how to effectively communicate with landlords. They believe that informed tenants are better equipped to advocate for themselves and others.

Increasing Awareness

The PBTU hopes to raise awareness about the housing crisis in Palm Beach County and the importance of tenant empowerment. They will continue to share their message through social media, community events, and other outreach efforts.


The Palm Beach Tenants Union has made significant strides in improving the lives of renters in Palm Beach County. By advocating for tenant rights, holding landlords accountable, providing support to those in need, and creating a sense of community, the PBTU has shown that tenants have the power to effect change.


DISCLAIMER: This Website provides general information related to tenants rights designed to help renters. This website does not provide legal advice and Palm Beach Tenants Union is neither a law firm nor a government agency.

©2017 by Palm Beach Tenants Union.